Saturday, November 13, 2010


Dr. Botha has reached the summit! He called in today and said it's probably one of the most dangerous climbs he's ever done. The ridge was paper thin in many places. Even the guides were unsure of the path to take because no one they'd every accompanied had gone that far before!! Congratulations Dr. Botha!!! Thanks to everyone for their support.

Monday, November 8, 2010

All Set in Indonesia

Dr. Botha arrived in Indonesia just before flights were once again canceled thanks to volcanic eruptions. He's had a nice couple of days training, sleeping and eating great food! Dr. Botha, along with his climbing partner Carsten, will head out today for Wamena. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pancakes and Puncak Trikora

A big thanks to the Town of Grimshaw for putting on such an awesome pancake breakfast for Dr. Botha this past Saturday! It was a delicious spread and we are so appreciative to all the people for dropping by and for their contributions! My dad was really touched.

It was really neat for my brother and I to see how our dad's adventures have inspired you to achieve your own. Some of the senior citizens in Grimshaw are taking up hand-gliding and white water rafting! What an impressive group! An especially big thanks goes out to Tracy Halarowich and Debbie Langford for their hard work with the breakfast(I'm sorry if I spelled your names wrong).

After a breakfast indulgence, it's back to the hard work for Dr. Botha. He's leaving for Puncak Trikora in Indonesia on Thursday morning. With all the natural disasters happening there right now, you can imagine that we're feeling a little apprehensive about his departure. As usual, however, he's taken every procaution possible and this space will be updated as much as possible to keep everyone in the loop regarding his progress.

Please post your well-wishes on the blog or email him directly at He always appreciates every message (as does his family :)